Ad Revenue

What is an Ad Revenue? Get the full definition and learn more about the mobile growth realm with Storemaven's glossary.

What is Ad Revenue?

Ad revenue is the money an app earns via in-app advertising. To calculate ad revenue for your app, simply multiply the number of ad impressions it generates by its eCPM.

How To Calculate Ad Revenue

Ad Revenue = (Ad Impressions) x (eCPM)

New app publishers often wonder, “How much can I earn from ad revenue?” The answer to that question depends on your app’s genre and the ad unit. Here are a few figures:

  • The average revenue per impression for rewarded video ads is $0.02
  • The average revenue per completion for interstitials is $0.16
  • And the average revenue per completion for offerwalls is $2.50

Apply these figures to the equation above to estimate your potential ad revenue earnings.

Develop an effective app monetization strategy to boost your ad revenue. Doing so will allow you to place higher-performing ad units (think rewarded video ads and playable ads) at opportune moments, leading to additional revenue for your business.

Related Terms

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  • SKAdNetwork
    SKAdNetwork is a privacy-centric API that was designed to help App Store advertisers measure ad performance while limiting their access to users' private information.

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