App Store Ratings

In the App Store, each app gets a rating of 0.0-5 which is based on users’ opinions.

What are the App Store Ratings?

In the App Store, each app gets a rating of 0.0-5 which is based on users’ opinions. Users may leave a rating by submitting one on the product page or from within the app (if the developer embedded the rating widget to collect feedback).

The rating score is also visualized with stars on the top of every App Store page, on the search results page, and on the top charts. 

Why App Store Ratings are Important

App Store ratings play a part in how users make decisions. When considering a purchase, consumers these days often consult with other users by reading their reviews of the product. 

This trend didn’t skip the app stores, and all users are exposed to the star rating of an app. 

App Store Ratings and ASO

From research we’ve done at StoreMaven based on thousands of tests, we found that app store conversion rates significantly decline once a rating drops below 4.0. Users are somewhat indifferent to ratings between 4.0-4.9.

Users are sensitive to 5.0 ratings as they can signal a ‘too good to be true’ scenario and cause users to suspect foul play.

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Everything you need to know about icons, screenshots, videos, app reviews & ratings, localization, and seasonality.

    Related Terms

    • App Store Reviews
      In the App Store, reviews are presented in the review gallery below-the-fold. This means that only about 20%-25% of users are exposed to it.
    • App Store Subtitle
      The app store subtitle is an element all users view in their journey to install an app.
    • App Store App Description
      The app description is a text paragraph explaining to users about the app or game.

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