The Complete iOS 15 ASO Preparation Crash Course

iOS 15 changes are upon us, and dare we say that these 13 short videos are everything you need to make sure your ASO and UA strategy is on the right track.

Over the last six years, Storemaven has built mobile growth technology to help app and game developers optimize their product pages and App Store presence. To get more installs and enjoy a higher engagement.

iOS 15 coming changes are a game-changer. Our goal is to give every practitioner and developer the chance to get involved with these changes, and create the ideal App Store Product Page for every audience.

We have a lot of content on this matter already in our iOS 15 Preparation Hub, where you can read thought leadership pieces, technical guides, follow frameworks and timelines, and watch a few of our webinars. Now it’s video time.

Five things you must know about Custom Product Pages

    Apple launched Custom Product Pages and Product Page Optimization on December 8th, 2021. Read more here.

    This crash course of ours is made up of 12 short modules (plus an intro) that will give you everything you need to know to advance your ASO using Apple’s new iOS 15 tools. With the help of our Senior ASO Consultant Katie Blechner, each module covers a specific area of iOS 15, allowing you to concentrate on the change you think will impact your activity more or the area you need to strengthen your understanding and strategy.

    Here’s a small taste of our course:

    As always, Storemaven’s consulting team is one email (or click) away. You can also request a demo with us to learn more.

    Watch the Full Course – Sign In For Free

      About Ron Gordon
      Ron is Storemaven's Head of Marketing, the one person you would have guessed will know what this mobile growth talk is all about. A misguided law student and journalist, Ron brings to the table some lack of seriousness the Hitech realm is desperately in need of. In his spare time, he's mainly trolling Whatsapp groups.

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