Ad Impression

What is an Ad Impression? Get the full definition and learn more about the mobile growth realm with Storemaven's glossary.

What is an Ad Impression?

The “ad impression” metric represents the number of times an ad is displayed. If, for example, your ad is shown 100 times within 25 different apps over a seven-day period, your ad will have received 100 ad impressions within the specified timeframe.

Ad Impressions vs. Ad Clicks

It’s important to note the difference between ad impressions and ad clicks. As stated above, the “ad impression” metric represents the number of times an ad is shown. The “ad click” metric, on the other hand, represents the number of times an ad is clicked on.

Publishers are paid for every 1,000 ad impressions they generate for advertisers. This figure is measured by “effective cost per mille” metric, better known as eCPM.

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  • Paid App User Acquisition
    Paid app user acquisition is the process of paying to advertise an app or game on UA channels in efforts to drive relevant traffic to an app store and convert new users.

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