Mobile Bid Adjustment

What are Mobile Bid Adjustments? Get the full definition and learn more about the mobile growth realm with Storemaven's glossary.

What are Mobile Bid Adjustments?

Mobile bid adjustments enable app marketers to alter their bids for specific ad groups and/or campaigns, to change the number of times their ads are viewed.

For example, a marketer could increase their bid at specific times of day, to people who live in specific locations, and who use specific devices, in order to reach the most relevant potential users at the most optimal times. Doing so would help said marketer boost revenue.

Multi-Bidding Strategy

The term “multi-bidding” goes hand in hand with mobile bid adjustments. Put simply, a multi-bidding strategy is set in motion when marketers set different bids for different campaigns, rather than the same bid for every campaign they oversee.

To succeed with multi-bidding, marketers must pay attention to the details. This is because every unique audience behaves differently. By taking a granular approach to the bidding process, you’ll ensure you don’t over/under pay, and your ads remain effective.

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